| 1. | Take down our romance with bright moonlight 让纯洁的月光谱写我们的罗曼史。 |
| 2. | I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed 我在床前看到明亮的月光 |
| 3. | The bright moonlight stowed the taj mahal in all its glory 明亮的月光已使泰姬陵显得无比壮观。 |
| 4. | The bright moonlight filtered through the branches into our room 明亮的月光透过树枝进入我们的房间。 |
| 5. | The bright moonlight showed the taj mahal in all its glory 泰吉?玛哈尔陵在明亮的月光下显得光彩夺目。 |
| 6. | The bright moonlight sends lovesickness , the month displays full moon missing frequently in the classical poetry the subject , the poet borrows it to say the mind the feeling 明月寄相思,月在古典诗歌中常常表现出望月思念的主题,诗人借用它来道出心灵的感受。 |
| 7. | The farthest place our own kind has yet visited is the companion moon , our nearest celestial neighbor . bright moonlight and the tides witness her proximity 人类所到达的最远之处就是伴随我们的月亮,它是离我们最近的天体。皎洁的月光和潮汐见证了她与我们的距离之近。 |
| 8. | If you want a peaceful time away from the city commotion , you can come here and enjoy the balmy tropical breeze and bright moonlight , and indulge in a spot of star - gazing 海滩旁虽然也有旅馆餐厅超市和酒吧,但却不像巴通那样热闹。若想远离烦嚣,可到此享受清风朗月和观星的乐趣。 |
| 9. | As the bright moonlight guided us from above , we used fallen tree branches to make a temporary bridge across the shallow water and moved the relief goods from one side of the stream to the other 在明亮的月光引导下,我们利用掉落的树枝做成临时的便挢,架在浅水处,再将物资搬至溪流对岸。 |
| 10. | Bright moonlight spilled into from the window . in the silent living room , teleplay was playing . the photos laid on the tea table in the room called immense yearn to me 白白朗朗的月光从窗口泼洒进来,寂静的客厅中,正在播放着电视剧,客厅在播放着电视剧,客厅的茶几上,放着的照片,勾起了我的无限思念 |